







发布日期:2019-06-25 10:56:00

一、情志有序 Be in order 应保持对生活饱满的热情与心态,加强学习和修养,培养诸多的生活情趣,如绘画、书法、雕刻、音乐、下棋、种花、集邮、钓鱼、旅游等,从而乐观向上、怡神调志。老年人应老有所乐,老有所为,老有所成,这样才能“无厌于日”。 Should keep to the life full of passion and attitude, enhance learning and training, develop many life interest, such as painting, calligraphy, sculpture, music, chess, growing flowers, collecting stamps, fishing, and tourism, etc., and optimistic, off-dry tzu. Old people should be old and happy, old and old, and old enough to be "never tired of the sun". 

二、科学饮食 2. Scientific diet 一要多喝清凉解暑的饮品,如淡盐水、绿豆水、酸梅汤、菊花茶等,以补充因身体出汗造成的消耗,但不要贪食冷饮。二要常吃凉性蔬菜瓜果,如苦瓜、冬瓜、西瓜、豆芽、银耳、香蕉等,以增强体内抗毒能力,减少暑气及热毒对人体的伤害。三要讲究营养,夏季老年人需多吃富含蛋白质、维生素、无机盐和粗纤维食物,如瘦肉、牛奶、豆浆、蛋品、豆腐等,以补充人体消耗。 

Drink more cool and refreshing drinks, such as brine, green bean water, sour plum soup, chrysanthemum tea, etc., to supplement the consumption caused by sweating, but don't eat cold drinks. Second, eat the fruit of cold sex vegetables, such as bitter melon, winter melon, watermelon, bean sprouts, silver ear, banana, etc., to enhance the body's anti-venom ability, reduce the injury of the heat and heat to the human body. Should pay attention to nutrition, summer old people need to eat more protein, vitamin, inorganic salt and coarse fiber food, such as lean meat, milk, soymilk, egg, bean curd, to supplement human consumption. 

三、运动适量3. Moderate exercise 由于老年人身体状态的个体差异很大,所以运动量、运动强度、运动时间、运动频率要因人而异。夏天温度较高,老人运动要根据个人的身体状况而定,要循序渐进、坚持持久。散步、慢跑、游泳等均有利于提高老人的心肺功能。此外,老人可进行有意识地控制呼吸频率和深度,这种呼吸不仅能有效地提高肺活量,还可改善脑供血。 Because the individual difference of physical state of old people is very big, so amount of exercise, exercise intensity, movement time, movement frequency should differ from person to person. In summer, the temperature is high and the old people's movements are determined according to their physical condition. Walking, jogging and swimming are all helpful to improve the cardiopulmonary function of the elderly. In addition, the elderly can consciously control the frequency and depth of respiration, which can not only improve the lung capacity but also improve the blood supply to the brain.