







发布日期:2019-06-25 10:55:00


1、 教育程度和脑力活动。 对知识的反复练习以及培养批评性思考的技术,可以增强柔顺性,同时增加突触的数目和程度。这个发现或许可以解释:为什么受过高等教育的人比没受过高等教育的人较少患老年性痴呆,或者丧失记忆。 

2、体能活动。 经常做强有力的有氧运动,可以增进循环系统健康;而健康的循环系统可以保证足够的氧气供应。阿博特博士在研究中发现,经常性的体育活动可以增加自然营养素——各种蛋白质的供应。 

3、健康的情绪。 心理素质好、情绪健康是老年人身体健康的首要因素,也是大脑健康的重要因素。对自己的经历满意,热爱生活,经常参加各种活动,经常与家人和朋友见面,喜爱琴棋书画等等,对情绪健康都有帮助。 如何预防老年痴呆症: 足够的睡眠。随着年龄的增长,老年人的睡眠时间也随之减少,睡眠质量也越来越差,但是应该至少保持每天6小时以上的睡眠。 注意饮食。有人说芝麻、核桃等硬壳食物是益智食品,有益大脑健康,可以考虑适当多吃一些。其实,养成平衡而低脂的饮食习惯是最重要的。大多数人都会从饮食中获得足够的维生素,但是适当补充多种维生素也没什么害处。在中草药中,初步证明:银杏可以稍微减缓老年性痴呆的进展,但没有太大的作用。 女性适当补充雌激素。很多人认为雌激素可以促进神经传导液的产生以及新神经细胞的成长,同时促进血液循环以及单糖在大脑的作用。 排除焦虑情绪。焦虑紧张的情绪可能引发可体松和其它激素的分泌,这些激素阻挠心脑细胞的产生,久而久之,会害死某些神经细胞。经常运动或者寻求心理医生的心理疏导,可以帮助解除焦虑情绪。 限制吸烟、饮酒和咖啡因。饮酒过度会迅速破坏大量脑细胞,从而导致头晕、丧失平衡、睡眠障碍和意志消沉。吸烟对循环系统危害很大。 维护身心健康。有些身体健康问题,会导致认知功能障碍。比如,心脏病会导致对大脑的血液供应不足、颈椎病有时会压迫神经,这就需要及时对症治疗,确保对大脑的血液供应。 

What factors are associated with Alzheimer's disease: 1, education and mental activity. Repeated practice of knowledge and training of critical thinking techniques can enhance flexibility and increase the number and extent of synapses. This finding may explain why people with higher education are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease or lose memory than those without higher education. 2. Physical activity. Regular aerobic exercise can improve circulatory health, and a healthy circulatory system can ensure adequate oxygen supply. Dr. Abbott found that regular sports activities can increase the supply of natural nutrients - various proteins. 3, healthy emotions. Psychological quality and emotional health are the most important factors for the health of the elderly, and they are also important factors of brain health. Satisfied with own experience, love life, often participate in various activities, often meet with family and friends, love piano and painting and calligraphy, and so on, for emotional health all help. How to prevent Alzheimer's disease: enough sleep. As the age increases, the sleep time of the elderly decreases and the quality of sleep is getting worse, but at least 6 hours of sleep a day should be maintained. Take care of your diet. Some people say that sesame, walnut and other hard shell foods are intelligent foods, which are good for brain health. You can consider eating more properly. Actually, developing a balanced and low fat diet is the most important thing. Most people get enough vitamins from their diet, but there is no harm in getting enough vitamins. In Chinese herbal medicine, Ginkgo biloba can initially slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease, but not much. Women are properly supplemented with estrogen. Many people think that estrogen can promote the production of nerve conduction fluid and the growth of new nerve cells, and promote the circulation of blood and the role of monosaccharide in the brain. Exclude anxiety. Anxiety and tension may cause the secretion of corticosteroids and other hormones that obstruct the production of heart and brain cells, which will kill certain nerve cells over time. Regular exercise or seeking psychological counseling can help relieve anxiety. Limit smoking, drinking and caffeine. Excessive drinking can quickly destroy a large number of brain cells, resulting in dizziness, loss of balance, sleep disorders and depression. Smoking is very harmful to the circulation system. Maintain physical and mental health. Some physical health problems can lead to cognitive dysfunction. For example, heart disease causes insufficient blood supply to the brain, and cervical spondylosis sometimes oppresses the nerve, which requires timely symptomatic treatment to ensure the supply of blood to the brain.